22 Fév - 2020 | par Autre

Golf Québec

Denis Loiselle renouvelle son mandat à la barre de Golf Québec


Montréal, 22 février 2020 – La Fédération de golf du Québec est fière d’annoncer qu’à l’occasion de son Assemblée générale annuelle, tenue le samedi 22 février au club de golf de la Vallée du Richelieu, Denis Loiselle a été réélu comme président pour 2020 qui coïncide avec le centième anniversaire de Golf Québec.

Membre du club de golf St-Anicet depuis 1976, Denis Loiselle n’est pas étranger au bénévolat. Il a été membre du conseil d’administration d’une Caisse Populaire Desjardins, président et lieutenant-gouverneur du Club Optimiste de Valleyfield et il est le président fondateur de l'AJSO (Alternative Jeunesse du Suroît), un organisme qui vient en aide aux jeunes contrevenants.

Par ailleurs, il conjugue une vingtaine d’années d’engagement dans l’industrie du golf. Son bénévolat dans notre sport a commencé à titre de capitaine de son club, ce qui l’a amené à occuper les fonctions de président de St-Anicet. En l’an 2000, il s’est joint à Golf Québec comme directeur de l’Association régionale de Montréal au sein de laquelle il a gravi les échelons jusqu’à en assurer la présidence en 2008; une fonction qu’il occupe d’ailleurs encore.

Représentant de sa région, Denis Loiselle a été élu à la présidence du conseil des associations régionales (CAR) en 2009 et 2010 et, à ce titre, il fut nommé au conseil d’administration de Golf Québec. Il a également été administrateur de la Fédération de 2014 à 2016 à titre de représentant régional et, à nouveau à titre de président du CAR et comme trésorier de la corporation en 2017 et 2018. Élu à la présidence de la Fédération en 2019, nous sommes ravis qu’il accepte de renouveler son mandat cette année alors que Golf Québec s’apprête à célébrer son centenaire.



Sources :

Jean-Pierre Beaulieu, directeur général
514 252-3345, poste 3732 – golfquebec@golfquebec.org

François Roy, directeur général adjoint
Philanthropie, partenariats et communications
514 252-3345, poste 3476; cellulaire 514 349-4653 – froy@golfquebec.org

Guylaine Sirois, gestionnaire des communications
514 252-3345, poste 3745 – gsirois@golfquebec.org


Denis Loiselle Reappointed to the Helm of Golf Québec

Montréal, February 22, 2020 – The Québec Golf Federation is proud to announce that Denis Loiselle was reelected as 2020 President at the conclusion of its Annual General Meeting held on February 22, 2020, at the Vallée du Richelieu Golf Club.

A member of the St-Anicet Golf Club since 1976, Denis Loiselle is no stranger to volunteer involvement. He was a Board member in a Caisse Populaire Desjardins, President and Lieutenant Governor of the Valleyfield Optimist Club, and founding President of AJSO (Alternative Jeunesse du Suroît), a corporation that provides support to young offenders.

In addition, he has been an active volunteer of the golf industry for twenty years. His involvement begun when he accepted the Club Captain’s position which eventually led him to be appointed as Club Captain of St-Anicet. In 2000, he joined Golf Québec as a Director of the Montréal Regional Association in which he gradually climbed up the hierarchy to become Regional President in 2008; a position that he is still fulfilling to this day.

As a representative of the Montréal region, Denis Loiselle was elected as Chairman of the Regional Association Council (RAC) in 2009 and 2010. As such, he was also appointed to the Golf Québec Board of Directors. He also was a Director of the Federation from 2014 to 2016 as Regional President, and once again as Chairman of the RAC and Treasurer of the corporation since 2017. Appointed as President of the Federation in 2019, we are delighted that he accepted to renew his mandate, this year, as we are celebrating the centennial of our corporation.

“Since a few years, we are witnessing the successful results of our development programs. From the Golf in Schools program to Golf-études, our initiatives are contributing to stimulating interest for our sport towards our youth. As a matter of fact, more young Québec golfers are appointed to the Team Canada program every year. This is highly motivating,” explained Denis Loiselle.

"To provide more opportunities for our all-star players to showcase their skills, we have developed a new partnership with the Mackenzie Tour – PGA TOUR Canada in 2019. In doing so, a total of fourteen Quebecers took part in the first edition of our Mackenzie Investments Open. I am convinced that we can once again count on the expertise of Golf Québec's staff to successfully organize and present the next edition of this international event," he added.

“On another note, the collaboration spirit that has been gathering the Québec golf industry within the Standing Committee made it possible to deliver collective projects such as the Golf Summit and the Get Out, Play Golf campaign. Golf Québec is a leader on this committee and we will continue on that path,” concluded the President. 

The Board of Directors led by Mr. Loiselle in 2020 will be composed of:

· Louise Patry (Vice-President), Beaconsfield
· Ève Gaudet (Secretary), Montcalm, Association des clubs de golf du Québec
· Michel Dell’Anniello (Treasurer), Vallée du Richelieu
· Steven Brosseau, Club Laval-sur-le-Lac, PGA of Canada
· Gisèle Carpentier, Golf Le Mirage
· Martin Ducharme, Domaine Château-Bromont, Association des clubs de golf du Québec
· François Gagnon, Parcours du Cerf
· François Gagnon, Ste-Flore, Regional Association Council
· Sonia Houde, Le Blainvillier
· Dominic Racine, PGA of Canada
· Édouard Rivard, Royal Québec
· Robert Bissonnette (ex-officio), Rivermead


About Golf Québec – Initiate passions, build dreams
Founded in 1920, Golf Québec is the provincial sport federation whose mission is to increase participation in golf and develop excellence. Some of Golf Québec’s core services include the Golf in Schools Program, Future Links  and its Get Linked initiatives, the First Drive Tour, Junior Golf Development Centres (JGDC), Rules of Golf, World Handicap System, course rating services, Golf Fore the Cure, as well as the Québec Golf Hall of Fame. In addition, Golf Québec conducts regional and provincial championships to bring the local golf enthusiasts to surpass themselves and eventually reach the upper spheres of professional tours. For more information please visit www.golfquebec.org.



Jean-Pierre Beaulieu, Executive Director
514 252-3345, ext. 3732, golfquebec@golfquebec.org

François Roy, Assistant Executive Director
Philanthropy, sponsorships, and communications
514 252-3345, ext. 3476; cellular 514 349-4653, froy@golfquebec.org

Guylaine Sirois, Communications Manager
514 252-3345, ext. 3745, gsirois@golfquebec.org


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