24 Fév - 2020 | par Autre

Golf Québec

Golf Québec célèbre son centenaire!


Montréal, 24 février 2020 – Lors de son Assemblée générale annuelle, ce samedi, la  Fédération de golf du Québec a dévoilé une nouvelle image de marque pour la saison 2020 qui marque son centième anniversaire.

Dès sa date anniversaire du 5 avril, Golf Québec commencera à publier une série d’articles qui serviront à faire connaître l’histoire de la corporation ainsi qu’à mettre en valeur ses bâtisseurs et ses moments forts. À la fin de l’année, ces chroniques pourront être regroupées pour former un programme souvenir.

« À titre de nouvelle venue au sein du CA, il me fait grand plaisir de m’engager dans ce dossier », a mentionné Sonia Houde, présidente du comité du centenaire. « Un énorme travail de recherche a été fait par des bénévoles et employés de Golf Québec. Je remercie Marcel Paul Raymond et Denis Loiselle qui ont fouillé nos archives afin de collecter, colliger et rédiger les articles qui mettront en lumière les grands moments de la Fédération au cours des 100 dernières années. Cela me permettra de mieux connaître l’histoire et les gens qui nous ont menés à ce que nous réalisons aujourd’hui pour l’industrie du golf au Québec. Merci également à Joe McLean du magazine Flagstick qui nous a si gentiment offert son appui bénévole comme journaliste et historien passionné de notre sport », a-t-elle ajouté.



Sources :

Jean-Pierre Beaulieu, directeur général
514 252-3345, poste 3732 – golfquebec@golfquebec.org

François Roy, directeur général adjoint – Philanthropie, partenariats et communications
514 252-3345, poste 3476; cellulaire 514 349-4653 – froy@golfquebec.org

Guylaine Sirois, gestionnaire des communications
514 252-3345, poste 3745 – gsirois@golfquebec.org


Golf Québec celebrates its centennial!

Montréal, February 24, 2020 – At its Annual General Meeting this Saturday, the Québec Golf Federation unveiled a new corporate image for the 2020 season, which marks its 100th anniversary.

As of its anniversary date of April 5, Golf Québec will start publishing a series of articles that will serve to commemorate the history of the corporation as well as its builders and highlights. At the end of the year, these columns will be grouped together to form a souvenir program.

"As a newcomer to the Board, I am very pleased to be involved in this project," said Sonia Houde, Chair of the Centennial Committee. "An enormous amount of research was done by volunteers and employees of Golf Québec. I would like to thank Marcel Paul Raymond and Denis Loiselle who searched our archives to collect, compile and write the articles that will highlight the great moments of the Federation over the past 100 years. This will allow me to learn more about the history and the people who led us to what we are achieving today for the golf industry in Québec. Thanks also to Joe McLean from the Ottawa area who has so kindly offered his volunteer support as a journalist and historian who is passionate about our sport," she added.

Throughout the season, celebration elements will also be integrated into the programming of some of Golf Québec's major tournaments that also marked the evolution of the Federation over the years. In addition, a casino chip featuring the centennial logo will be produced and distributed at targeted events. A collector's item available in limited quantities!


About Golf Québec – Initiate passions, build dreams
Founded in 1920, Golf Québec is the provincial sport federation whose mission is to increase participation in golf and develop excellence. Some of Golf Québec’s core services include the Golf in Schools Program, Future Links  and its Get Linked initiatives, the First Drive Tour, Junior Golf Development Centres (JGDC), Rules of Golf, World Handicap System, course rating services, Golf Fore the Cure, as well as the Québec Golf Hall of Fame. In addition, Golf Québec conducts regional and provincial championships to bring the local golf enthusiasts to surpass themselves and eventually reach the upper spheres of professional tours. For more information please visit www.golfquebec.org.



Jean-Pierre Beaulieu, Executive Director
514 252-3345, ext. 3732, golfquebec@golfquebec.org

François Roy, Assistant Executive Director
Philanthropy, sponsorships, and communications
514 252-3345, ext. 3476; cellular 514 349-4653, froy@golfquebec.org

Guylaine Sirois, Communications Manager
514 252-3345, ext. 3745, gsirois@golfquebec.org


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