Golf Québec - Coupe Debbie Savoy Morel
Golf Québec - Coupe Debbie Savoy Morel
Montréal, 13 juin 2019 – Les aléas de Dame nature ont compliqué la tâche des golfeuses, jeudi, lors de la deuxième ronde de la 10e édition de la Coupe Debbie Savoy Morel présentée par Turkish Airlines en collaboration avec belairdirect. Annie Lacombe (Blainvillier) et Marie-Thérèse Torti (Vallée du Richelieu) ont toutefois fait fi des forts vents présents au Golf Le Mirage pour mettre la main sur le titre de leur division respective.
Sources :
François Roy, directeur général adjoint
Guylaine Sirois, gestionnaire des communications
Lacombe and Torti crowned at the Debbie Savoy Morel Cup Montréal, June 13, 2019 – This Thursday, the whims of nature multiplied the challenges for those who competed in the 10th edition of the Debbie Savoy Morel Cup presented by Turkish Airlines in collaboration with belairdirect. Yet, Annie Lacombe (Blainvillier) and Marie-Thérèse Torti (Vallée du Richelieu) were able to compose with the strong winds at Golf Le Mirage and secure the victory in their respective divisions. While she had ranked 7th in last year’s edition, Lacombe started this competition with a roar on Wednesday and registered a score of 70 (+3). The Laval athlete maintained her pace, on Thursday, to finish the tournament with a cumulative score of +10 (144) and win the qualifying competition in the amateur category. “These two rounds could not have been more different! Yesterday, my strokes were not at their best, but I found a way to pull through. Today, I hit the ball really well, but everything was so much more complicated with the wind. To play the par, each shot literally had to be perfect! With my caddie, I had a good strategy. Even if I did not play as well as I wanted to, I’m still quite proud of the result,” explained the young woman who finished ahead of Mylène Limoges (Golf Laval-sur-le-Lac, +15) and Béatrice Grisé (Pinegrove, +16). A 4th title for Marie-Thérèse Torti In the qualifying senior category, Marie-Thérèse Torti was successful at defending her 2018 title. She completed the tournament with a cumulative score of -11 (145) to defeat her closest rivals, Diane Dolan (Hylands, +14) and Hélène Chartrand (Summerlea, +15). Torti was extremely proud to be presented with the trophy for the fourth time as she had also captured the victory in 2013 and 2015. “This is my very first victory, here, at Golf Le Mirage. I must say that it was not an easy one! Yesterday, I did not start my first round very well, but was eventually able to catch up with my game and finish on a strong note. Today, it was really windy. Fortunately, I already had a slight advance on the other competitors. Altogether, I played well and I’m quite happy with the outcomes.” Before leaving the host club, the participants got together for a closing cocktail where they had fun reviewing their good, and not so good, performances of the day. Debbie Savoy Morel also took this opportunity to thank the organizers, volunteers, and participants who contribute to making this event truly unique for her. “I am very fond of this tournament as it is my way to give back to all women who compete in golf events in Québec. My goal is to gather as many players as possible in this event. We always have a lot of fun and there is a spirit of sisterhood amongst players. It is always great to see them coming back, from one year to another, and I am quite proud of this 10th edition.” Homage to Michel Bolduc On Wednesday, referee Michel Bolduc was honoured during the traditional dinner of the Debbie Savoy Morel Cup. He was introduced with very eloquent words by the Golf Le Mirage professional and ambassador. “Each year, I honour someone who has supported me and, in his or her own way, has positively influenced my life. Michel Bolduc is a generous man who is extremely involved, not only in my tournaments, but also in Golf Québec’s activities in general. He has a burning passion for the rules of golf and never hesitates to share his knowledge with others. It only seemed natural to honour him,” concluded Mrs. Savoy Morel. Jocelyne Bourassa Series Created in 2010, the Jocelyne Bourassa Series is composed of the Women’s Provincial Championship and Debbie Savoy Morel Cup that are used, with a points system, to identify amateur and senior teams representing the province of Québec in national championships. Honouring two notorious builders of our industry, Jocelyne Bourassa and Debbie Savoy Morel, the Series also features a participation flight to promote the fun of playing golf towards women. The second leg of this Series, the Women’s Provincial Championship, will take place from July 14 to 16 at Club de golf Montcalm, in St-Liguori. The Golf Québec team is now looking forward to the Assante Optimist Classic that will be held at the Glendale Golf Club, in Mirabel. On Saturday and Sunday, junior golfers of the province will compete to win this annual Classic in which they could qualify for the OPTIMIST International Junior Golf Championship, in Florida. -30- Sources:
François Roy, Assistant Executive Director
Guylaine Sirois, Communications Manager