Grand Slam
Grand Slam
Montreal, December 4, 2016 – Louis Krieber-Gagnon’s day came to a quick end on Sunday at the Tokyo Grand Slam. In Under 90 kg action, the Montrealer did not make it past his second bout.
The day started well for him, with a victory over Kohei Kohugara of the Philippines. Although neither of the two judokas scored any points, Krieber-Gagnon only received one penalty while his adversary received two shidos.
Kreiber-Gagnon, who normally competes in the Under 81 kg category, then faced off against France’s Alexandre Iddir, who is ranked 15th in the world. Iddir was able to eliminate the Québécois from the tournament with a waza-ari.
The gold medal in this class was awarded to Aleksandar Kukolj of Serbia, who beat Axel Clerget of France in the final. The two bronze medals went to Kenta Nagasawa and Daiki Nishiyama, both of Japan.
Written by Sportcom for Judo Canada
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